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The Glen Helen.

When Tipp City Paranormal first reached out to The Glen Helen in Yellow Springs, there were some facts we already knew:



1.) The history of the land's occupation runs deep.  The grotto of the Yellow Spring itself is physically located here.


2.) The area is immense.  The Glen Helen is over 1,000 acres of protected ecological brilliance.


3.) The air is electric.  As one of our favorite hiking destinations, we were accustomed to the "spiritually charged atmosphere" that exists here.  It's a feeling shared by skeptics and sensitives alike, and it is spectacular!


4.) Tipp City Paranormal was uniquely prepared to tackle the challenges that would come along with outdoor investigations at The Glen.  We knew we would NEVER be able to run clean audio for EVPs, we also knew that our significant investment in battery operated mobile photo/video equipment could pay off in spades.


5.) The Glen has a reputation as one of Ohio's most haunted outdoor locations.  While there are personal claims and stories all over the internet, no one has been able to bring the claims together and investigate them.  Investigations have been done here, explorations at The Glen are done all the time, but nothing has been brought together and presented simply because no one gets permission here for after-hours investigations.


6.) Because of #5, our chances of opening the door here were very slim.




Well, color us surprised!  What follows is our work to date after being the first group to officially (legally) investigate The Glen since the 1980's.


The preserve is open to the public, and closes at dusk with the exception of officially hosted "Night Hike" activities which are offered by The Glen every so often.


Otherwise, exploring after hours here is criminal trespassing and is treated as such by Antioch Security and the Yellow Springs Police Department.


It is ill-advised to tempt the law in this case, as it is also very dangerous to be here at night.

Injuries here can be, and have been, fatal. With over 20 miles of trail at The Glen, first responders would not be able to efficiently reach you to offer treatment.


Do Not Be Stupid.  Let Us Be Stupid For You.

Sit Back, Watch, And Enjoy The Ride!


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